Ad Agencies and PR Firms

Michael Darling & Associates 
Rogers & Cowan
Weber Shandwick 

BBDO West 
Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. 
Henry J. Kaufman & Associates 
Kaufman Public Relation

Automotive and Aviation

Federal Aviation Administration
Hughes Aircraft Company
Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO)
United Airlines
Tucson Airport Authority

Jeep Eagle Division of Chrysler Motors
Plymouth Division of Chrysler Motors
American Airlines
Aero Consulting Experts (ACE)

Banking and Finance

Northern Trust Bank
Seabury & Smith

Bank of America (Los Angeles)
Financial Services Council
Marsh & McLennan

Biotech and Pharmaceuticals

California Health Institute (CHI)
Eli Lilly
Genentech BioOncology

Amgen, Inc.
Baxter Healthcare
Boehringer Ingelheim
Bristol Myers Squibb


American Association of State Colleges and Universities
American University, Office of the President
Institute of American Indian Art 
ABC “After School Specials” TV Programming

National Association of Trade and Technical Schools
Thomas Jefferson University
The National Faculty Program


ABC Television Sinatra: 80 Years My Way
ABC “After School Specials”
Creative Artists Agency (CAA)
Bragman Nyman Cafarelli (BNC)
DreamWorks SKG



Paramount Studios
Warner Brothers
The Hollywood Fashion Industry AIDS Benefit 
The Grammy Awards


Foam Packaging Recyclers
Polystyrene Packaging

America Chemical Society
Council for Solid Waste Solutions


Public Relations Society of America – Health Academy
Nobel Prize in Medicine, Stanley Prusiner MD, of the University of California at San Francisco
Nobel Prize in Medicine, Luc Montagnier, MD of the Pasteur Institute
Thomas Jefferson University
White House Conference on HIV/AIDS
White House Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP)

American Academy of HIV Medicine
Baxter Healthcare|
District of Columbia Department of Health
Healthcare Compliance Packaging Council
Kindred Healthcare (rehabilitation hospitals)
Kimmell Cancer Center
Lehigh Valley Medical Center
National Association of Boards of Pharmacy 
National Foundation for Cancer Research

Legal and Professional

Ropes and Gray
William Bridges & Associates

Towers Perrin
Crowell and Moring

Non-Profits and NGOs

Hudson Institute 
International AIDS Trust
World Foundation for AIDS Research & Prevention

AIDS Project Los Angeles
Elton John AIDS Foundation
UN World Healthcare Organization (WHO)
XI International AIDS Conference

Real Estate and Development

McArthur/Glen (REIT)
National Timeshare Council

Rose Development Corp.
Charter Oaks (REIT)


Sun Microsystems
Tandem Computers
Telecator (wireless)

Apricot Computers
Glenayre Technology
Gr8 Company (streaming entertainment)
Personal Communications Industry Association (PCIA)

Trade Associations and Professional Groups

American Academy of HIV Medicine
American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU)
Bay Area Biosciences Center (San Francisco area BayBio)
Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO)
California Health Institute
CONNECT (San Diego Biotech)
Distilled Spirits Council of America (DISCUS)
International Sleep Products Association (ISPA)
National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP)
National Association of Trade and Technical Schools

National Dairy Promotional & Research Board
Dairy Industry Coalition
National Indian Gaming Association
National Pasta Association
National Spa & Pool Institute
New Mexico Indian Gaming Association
Personal Communications Industry Association (PCIA)
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)
Public Relations Society of America – Health Academy
San Diego Chamber of Commerce and San Diego Regional Economic Development Corp.
Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of America

Travel and Tourism

World-Expo, U.S. National Pavilion, Vancouver, Canada
Safety Harbor Resort & Spa

Elite Yacht Cruises
World-Expo, U.S. National Pavilion, Tsukuba, Japan